
Bundesmann Apparatus Tester

The Bundesmann Apparatus is a testing device used to assess the water repellency of textiles and other materials. This test is particularly relevant for outdoor fabrics, clothing, and other items where resistance to water penetration is essential. The apparatus was named after Dr. Bundesmann, who developed it for this specific purpose. Here are the key features and aspects of the Bundesmann Apparatus Tester: Principle of Operation: The Bundesmann test involves exposing a spec....


The Bundesmann Apparatus is a testing device used to assess the water repellency of textiles and other materials. This test is particularly relevant for outdoor fabrics, clothing, and other items where resistance to water penetration is essential. The apparatus was named after Dr. Bundesmann, who developed it for this specific purpose.

Here are the key features and aspects of the Bundesmann Apparatus Tester:

  1. Principle of Operation:

    • The Bundesmann test involves exposing a specimen of the material to be tested to a controlled spray of water under specified conditions.
    • The material is mounted on a circular frame and placed in a chamber. Water is sprayed onto the material from various angles, simulating different rain conditions.
  2. Water Pressure and Flow:

    • The Bundesmann Apparatus allows for the adjustment of water pressure and flow rates to simulate various intensities of rain or water exposure.
  3. Rotating Specimen Holder:

    • The circular frame holding the specimen can be rotated during the test to expose different areas of the material to the water spray. This rotation helps ensure a comprehensive assessment of water repellency.
  4. Testing Standards:

    • The testing procedure is often standardized, and the results are evaluated based on established criteria. Standards such as ISO 9865 and AATCC Test Method 22 provide guidelines for conducting the Bundesmann test.
  5. Observation and Evaluation:

    • After the test, the specimen is examined for signs of water penetration, and the extent of wetting is assessed. This may include visual inspection and measurements of water penetration.
  6. Application in Textile Industry:

    • The Bundesmann Apparatus is widely used in the textile industry to determine the water repellency of fabrics, including those used in outdoor clothing, tents, and other products where protection from moisture is crucial.
  7. Quality Control:

    • Manufacturers use the Bundesmann test as a quality control measure to ensure that their products meet specified water repellency standards.
  8. Instrumentation:

    • Modern Bundesmann Apparatus may have digital controls for adjusting parameters such as water pressure, rotation speed, and test duration. Some models may also feature data logging capabilities.
  9. Maintenance:

    • Regular maintenance is important to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test results. This may involve cleaning the apparatus, calibrating instruments, and checking for any signs of wear or damage.
  10. Calibration:

    • Calibration is essential to verify that the Bundesmann Apparatus is operating within specified parameters. Regular calibration ensures the consistency and accuracy of test results over time.

Using the Bundesmann Apparatus Tester helps manufacturers and researchers assess the water repellency of materials, ensuring that products meet the required standards and providing valuable information for product development and quality assurance.

The “ASIAN” Bundesmann Apparatus is used for the water absorption and water penetration of the textile fabrics. It consists of a steel structure with specimens is rotated at a specified speed in this tank about a vertical axis with the help on an Electric motor and worm reduction gearbox placed underneath the tank. Impinging of water jets coming from nozzles on 304 Screws fitted on an aluminum plate produces the shower. The nozzles are fitted on aluminum blocks, which are in turn connected to a closed piping system. Water is supplied to the piping system through an electric pump. A control valve and a pressure gauge are also provided to regulate and indicate pressure in the pipeline. A guard is provided to contain splash produced. Water not impinging on the screws is also collected in this tray and drained away. This shower arrangement is mounted on the top of the structure to give the specified drop height. A hinged tray which can be swung during the testing is also provided to shield the assembly from the shower before and after the test. An arrangement to collect water circulation tank and re-circulate it with the help of the pump is also provided. The cup assembly consists of four aluminum cups with their axis tilted outward at 10º to 15º to the vertical mounted on an aluminum base. Specimen holding ring made of aluminum hold the specimen onto the cups with the help have screwed clamps. Each cup four-wiper blades set perpendicular to each other in the form of a cross. The wiper blades are made of stainless steel and are tapered down away from the center. The abrading face of each blade is cylindrical in shape. The wiper assembly presses against the lower surface of the test specimen with the help of a spring. The arrangement is also made to make the wiper blade assembly oscillate through an angle of 100º four times in every one revolution of the cup assembly. Gunmetal drain fitted to each cup for draining out the water collected in them. The cup assembly can be easily taken out to facilitate mounting of specimens and draining of water collected in the cups for determination of the amount of water that has penetrated through the specimens. Specimens loading disk is also provided with the equipment to depress wipers to rim level while mounting the specimen.


Additional Information:

  • Item Code: ATEBundasman
  • Production Capacity: 5 unita per month
  • Delivery Time: 30 days
  • Packaging Details: Basic instrument sample holder assembly Measuring cylinder Template Mallet operating manual Calibration certificale

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