
Sythetic Blood Penetration Tester

A Synthetic Blood Penetration Tester is a device designed to assess the resistance of protective clothing materials, such as medical gowns and drapes, to penetration by synthetic blood. The test is particularly important in the healthcare industry, where workers may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens, and it helps ensure that the protective clothing provides an effective barrier against contamination. Here are some key features and aspects of a Synthetic Blood Penetration Tester: Tes....


A Synthetic Blood Penetration Tester is a device designed to assess the resistance of protective clothing materials, such as medical gowns and drapes, to penetration by synthetic blood. The test is particularly important in the healthcare industry, where workers may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens, and it helps ensure that the protective clothing provides an effective barrier against contamination.

Here are some key features and aspects of a Synthetic Blood Penetration Tester:

  1. Testing Principle:

    • The tester simulates the impact of blood or body fluids on protective materials by spraying a known quantity of synthetic blood at a specified pressure onto a test specimen.
  2. Pressure and Velocity Settings:

    • The tester allows the user to set parameters such as the pressure and velocity of the synthetic blood, simulating conditions that may occur in a healthcare setting.
  3. Compliance with Standards:

    • Synthetic Blood Penetration Testers are designed to comply with specific standards, such as ASTM F1670 (Standard Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing to Penetration by Synthetic Blood) and ASTM F1671 (Standard Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing to Penetration by Blood-Borne Pathogens Using Phi-X174 Bacteriophage Penetration as a Test System).
  4. Sample Preparation:

    • Before testing, specimens of the protective material are prepared and mounted on a holder or mannequin to simulate the actual use conditions.
  5. Observation and Evaluation:

    • After the test, the material is inspected to determine whether synthetic blood has penetrated through to the other side. The evaluation may include visual inspection or more precise measurements of penetration.
  6. Testing Different Zones:

    • Some testers allow for testing different zones of protective clothing separately, such as the front, back, and arms, to provide a comprehensive assessment of the garment's protective capabilities.
  7. Data Recording and Analysis:

    • Modern Synthetic Blood Penetration Testers often come equipped with data recording and analysis features. This allows for the documentation of test results and facilitates quality control and compliance reporting.
  8. User Interface:

    • The tester typically has a user-friendly interface that allows operators to input testing parameters, start and stop tests, and view results.
  9. Calibration and Maintenance:

    • Regular calibration and maintenance are crucial to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of test results. Manufacturers provide guidelines on calibration procedures and recommended maintenance schedules.
  10. Safety Features:

    • Synthetic Blood Penetration Testers may incorporate safety features to protect operators during testing. This could include safety interlocks and mechanisms to prevent unintended exposures.

Using a Synthetic Blood Penetration Tester is essential for assessing the protective performance of materials used in healthcare settings and ensuring that they meet the necessary safety standards. Operators should follow the guidelines provided by the tester's manufacturer and adhere to relevant industry standards for accurate and reliable results.

Protect your patients and staff with our synthetic blood penetration tester. Trust our expertise to provide accurate and efficient testing for your medical equipment

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