
CASS cum Salt Spray Test Chamber

Our Sigma Machines CASS tester is designed keeping in mind the relevant tester standards to assess the ability of corrosion resistant components to withstand corrosion due to constantly changing atmospheric conditions. Which is triple walled (with glass wool insulation). Our manufacturing company is known for manufacturing state-of-the-art CASS cum Salt Spray Test Chamber. This utility room plays a vital role in ensuring the durability and quality of our products by subjecting them to rigorous c....


Our Sigma Machines CASS tester is designed keeping in mind the relevant tester standards to assess the ability of corrosion resistant components to withstand corrosion due to constantly changing atmospheric conditions. Which is triple walled (with glass wool insulation). Our manufacturing company is known for manufacturing state-of-the-art CASS cum Salt Spray Test Chamber. This utility room plays a vital role in ensuring the durability and quality of our products by subjecting them to rigorous corrosion resistance testing.

Our skilled team uses CASS salt spray  chambers to simulate the impact of harsh environmental conditions on a product, allowing CAS producers to develop coatings and produce high performance materials that exceed industry standards. Is more useful. We guarantee our customers to deliver a CASS Salt Spray Test Equipment with core testing processes that are designed to withstand the toughest conditions and provide reliability and unmatched quality. This instrument is used to assess a material's ability to resist corrosion, finishes, and especially coatings.

What is the use of a CASS cum test chamber?

The CASS Salt Spray Chamber is a versatile and advanced equipment that allows the producer to resist corrosion of any copper surface coating. This instrument helps in examining the effect of environmental conditions on a copper sample.

Testing process in CASS test chamber

During CASS test chamber testing, first the sample is cleaned and then it is ready to be tested for contaminants in the CASS test and after this, it is put into the test chamber due to the copper chloride solution filling the chamber. A corrosive environment is created.

During this the test chamber is heated to a predetermined temperature and humidity is maintained. Corrosion solutions, humidity and heat all accelerate the corrosion process even further, after which, the samples are exposed to higher humidity levels.

After the exposure time the sample is taken out of the instrument chamber to check for corrosion indicators such as rust or discoloration. This helps evaluate the material and how well it resists corrosion.Our equipment is frequently tested in the automotive and aerospace industries to verify the longevity and efficacy of materials in corrosive environments.

Manufacturer of CASS Test Chamber

Useful Cass Test Chambers in India have many manufacturers of equipment which vary accordingly. If you are looking for a quality test chamber in the industrial city of Faridabad, India then you are at the right place as Sigma Machines is known for providing you good equipment at a good price.

General information on CASS test chamber

Room temperature accuracy:+/-1°C.

Room temperature range: 0 to 60 degrees Celsius. (Required temperature: 49+/-2°C)

Temperature control: a solid-state digital programmable temperature controller with an indicator, using a special zero corrosion PT100 sensor,

Air regulator: An air regulator with a pressure range of 0 to 30 psi with a moisture cum oil filter.

Construction: FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) construction

Standard Features: A time totalizer, air purging, regulator, a cycle timer, gauges and sample rack are features that are included with every model.

Display 7-inch TFT LCD color touchscreen with HMI
Temperature Range for Test Chamber 35°C ± 2°C
Temperature Range Ambient to 40°C
Least Count for Chamber Temperature 0.1°C
Temperature Range for Air Saturator 40°C to 49°C
Repeatability of Chamber Temperature ± 2°C
Temperature Least Count for Air Saturators 0.1°C
Repeatability of Air Saturation Temperature ± 2°C
PID temperature controller built-in
Power 15 A, 50 Hz, single phase, 220 V of power Control
Time Six-digit timer (hour meter)
Test Air Pressure Examine Air pressure ranges from 0.7 to 1.2 kg/cm³
Air Regulator 0 to 30 psi


• Microprocessor based inbuilt PID controller

• Reservoir Tank inside sponge filter available

• Auto Tuning feature selection

• Run time vs temperature graph

• Data recording with temperature data reading

• USB option available (Pen drive is not a part of supply)

• Option available to set PV and SV value

• User can control PID settings through Advanced Hysteresis setting

• Angle of Canopy maintained in order to restrict flow of droplets directly on the test sample.

• Inbuilt temperature settings

• Salt Spray Test mode enabled to set parameters according to test sample

• Temperature setting and Preset Timer functions incorporated in HMI for accuracy and repeatability

• Corrosion Resistant PT-100 sensor

• Solid state digital Programmable Temperature Controller

• Program profile for selecting test parameters and performing the test.

• Easy Data Management. User can create PID settings, Air Saturator settings, test temperature, test and air purge time etc.

• Current test running status display

• Robust Construction with Fiber reinforced body(Triple wall)

• Ease of use of sample placements inside the test chamber

• Pneumatically operated canopy (only for 250 Ltr. Model)

• Air purge after test for fog settlement.

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